Kategori: Android Kernel


    added the Kconfig to the Kconfig file in the “linux/drivers” Note: Go for the real hardware https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/mali-drivers/valhall-kernel Sources: https://icecream95.gitlab.io/mali-g610-reverse-engineering-part-1.html

  • DIFUZE Android kernel fuzzing

    Pull the repo Install dependencies Setup the difuze. The end of the setup looks like this

  • Corellium usage

    I got my trial version of Corellium finally. The dashboard is simple There are a lot of device options that we can select also android or ios versions are there. For Samsung Galaxy Note 5 there is an option to select android versions. and The phone is on.

  • Android 11 Kernel Exploitation Workshop

    Booted up an Android kernel as I mentioned here. The branch name is android11-5.4. Kernel is compiled We used the wall-of-perdition’s vulnerable firewall to exploit. We used the make in the compiled kernel directory in order to compile the firewall module and then wget and insmod. Result is I added a rule to the firewall…

  • Android kernel emulation with QEMU

    We are going to try all the iterations of the android kernel in order to understand the compatibility of emulator. In that case, we will start working with cloudfuzz‘s android kernel that works on Android10, Pixel2 XL. repo init –depth=1 -u https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/manifest -b q-goldfish-android-goldfish-4.14-dev repo sync -c –no-tags –no-clone-bundle -jnproc On qemu it worked https://fadeevab.com/build-android-kernel-and-run-on-qemu-minimal-step-by-step/…

  • CVE-2019-2215

    We will walk through the CVE-2019-2215 Android binder vulnerability on the goldfish emulator. Requirements: Download Android Studio and extract it. Under the bin folder, there is a studio.sh. We can run android studio by start studio script. Install NDK and emulator by SDK manager. We will use NDK 21.0.6113669. Install the Android Emulator and Android…

  • Chainization of Chrome RCE and LPE

    We will follow to this RCE to re-implement it. Cloning toolkits for the compilation of the chrome. Add to the path